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Franz Borghese


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Suicide for love

oil on canvas - cm 30x40  - cod. FB 10


Franz Borghese (1941-2005)

He was born in Rome on January 21, 1941. He began to paint during the years of art school in Ripetta, where they teach Domenico Purificato, Giuseppe Capogrossi, Umberto Maganzini and Giulio Turcato. In 1964 he founded the group and the homonymous magazine "The Iron Horse". In 1968, his first one. Since 1970, he is facing in his painting satire and sarcasm: the dramatic painting from dark and deep tones is abandoned to give way to the first characters who wear suits and adopt gestures of the beginning '900. In 1972 he devotes the first studies and drawings to the military and militarism. Among contemporary appreciates definitely Longanesi and Maccari. In the '70s Borghese knows  Salvatore Fiume, with whom he painted  in 1975, "La condanna di Cristo". In 1986 he is at the National Museum of Castel Sant'Angelo with a solo exhibition. In the nineties, inspired by the research of Cesare Lombroso, he gives life to the two series of paintings dedicated to the study of the human figure, "Il manuale della Fisiognomica", followed by "Appendice al manuale della Fisiognomica". Even these years are the first studies for the cycle "The flying machines". In 1992 at Palazzo Braschi in Rome, he presents an exhibition of mixed media on hardboard and drawings entitled "Invenzioni e scoperte, ritratti immaginari e altro". Dated 1997 is the lithograph folder "Storie e misfatti del Governo Vecchio", dedicated to the poet G. G. Belli and etchings of the series "Tutti gli uomini del piano regolatore". In December 2005, shortly after his last public exhibition at the Refectory of Palazzo Venezia, he died in Rome in his studio in Via della Seggiola.





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